101 TGA 103 Targa File Format 105 Yes 106 No 110 Black & White (1-bit) 111 RGB 8-Color (4-bit) 112 Indexed 16-Color (4-bit) 113 Indexed 256-Color (8-bit) 114 Grayscale (8-bit) 115 RGB HiColor (16-bit) 116 RGB True Color (24-bit) 117 None 119 RLE Compression 120 %d Pixels/Inch 121 %d Pixels/Cm 122 %s KB 123 %d Pixels 124 %s Bytes 147 fio.hlp 148 >d 149 UF_TGA 150 RleCompress 151 ulead32.ini 550 This file contains no image data. 551 The TGA Save Options dialog box is currently in use by another application. 7015 Insufficient global memory. 7016 Insufficient local memory. 7017 Unable to load string. 7018 Unable to create dialog box. 7019 Invalid parameter. 7020 Unknown file format. 7021 File reading error. 7022 File writing error. 7023 Unknown file format or file with unsupported characteristics. 7024 The table for multiple entry dialogs is full. 7025 Unable to create color palette. 7026 Unknown data type or file contains unsupported characteristics.